The water will be the oil of the future, experts say the least. The growing demand from poorer countries and its increasing shortage in the world will cause the cost of water will rise dramatically in coming years, if we also consider that the Italian people is one of the most wasteful in the world, some 250 liters per capita day, then maybe it really is time to start an awareness campaign aimed at citizens, who, moreover, by following some tweaking, can save in a year several hundred dollars.
For example, did you know that over 30% of domestic water consumption is attributable to flush? Each time you press the button you waste about 10 liters of water, often for a piece of paper. E 'useful to provide a flushing of modern exhaust systems that depending on the pressure deliver different amounts of water depending on the requirement. In this way you can save up to 50%, which equates to about 26,000 gallons a year.
But we see in detail what are the most important measures to be taken to prevent water waste and save money:
• The use of air mixers in taps and showers reduce water consumption without changing their habits. It is a small addition to its own tap able to mix the output water with air. Who uses the water jet does not perceive any difference but the overall consumption of water is less. You get to save about 40% of water used.
• To flush the toilet, in addition to the method described above, there is a trick to reduce the water flow of the exhaust: just put inside a plastic bottle one-liter water-filled and closed. The result will be immediate. By this measure will reduce water consumption by 10%, offering the same service.
• Ensure a perfect fit the taps: a loss of just a drop of hot water per second to cause a leakage of 1000 liters of water per month corresponding to the consumption of water needed to make more than ten showers.
• Take a shower instead of a bath in the tub: to fill a bathtub takes about 100 liters of water for a shower while the water consumption is equal to about half. In the shower can then be a good habit to turn off the taps while you are soaping or shampooing it.
• Keep the faucet open while a person shaves, brushes his teeth while looking in the mirror is due to a considerable waste. A discharge valve opened between 10 and 20 liters per minute. Are wasted by leaving it opens for 30 to 60 liters a time. In a year a family of 3 people arrives to save up to 7,500 liters of drinking water.
• Wash your hands in an ecological way: even for washing your hands is useless for the flow of water is always open. And 'Just open it once to wet your hands and the soap and then close it again. After soapy hands, reopen the jet of water only to rinse his hands.
• Use the washing machine and dishwasher only when fully loaded. We use the same water at low loads, but in the end you do not wash. With this little trick a family of 3 can save up to 8000 liters of water a year. A wash cycle at 30 ° requires approximately 80 liters of water, at 90 ° it serves almost twice.
• If you slide the water before it gets that hot, pick it up instead of wasting it in a bucket for other uses.
• The water in which they were washed vegetables can be used for watering the garden or flowers.
With these simple tips, your water bill will undergo a significant reduction and contribute to the fight against water waste in the world.
With these simple tips, your water bill will undergo a significant reduction and contribute to the fight against water waste in the world.
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